I read about the "Time Well Spent Family Challenge" recently (here) and I think it will be a much better challenge for us to take up. Sure I can try to exercise more -- and I will. Probably. Maybe?
But... the monthly family challenge means
- planning ahead for family events (something we're terrible at),
- knowing we will be breaking out of our normal routine at least once a month, and
- spending quality time doing fun things as a family.
The challenge for January: Visit a Library
January - Visit a library: In celebration of National Literacy Day on January 27th, how about planning a family trip to any one of the great public libraries in HRM? While you're there be sure to browse their huge selection of books, stop for a play in the children's area, check out their events calendar and more. Before you leave, don't forget to take a few minutes to get your kids their own library card!This is GREAT, because I've been meaning to take the kids to the local library here since we moved. It's been nearly a year and we still haven't gone! So, I will be at the library tomorrow, with my two little ones in tow. I'm actually really excited about this since The Boy is SO into books right now.
Yay for 2012! Yay for books!
Gr8!! The key will be to pick your monthly date early as a fam. Then have fun figuring out the adventure.