Alas, it is so. The baby is growing before our very eyes... Opa says she is smart, "No, like really smart." Here's a short list of some of the amazing things she is doing lately... It's literally something new every day... I can barely keep up.
- signing 'milk', 'more', 'eat', 'all done', 'water' (with one finger), 'owie' (sortof), 'book' (sortof), shakes her head no and waves hi and bye.
- says dada, mama, more, hi, no, wow/woah, 'ah-ah' (my sound for stop/don't do that), na (Nonna), pa (Opa), ba (ball), and be-a (bear). She also makes a 'tte tte' sound and sortof tickles her own belly when she's being tickled or wants to be.
- growls like a bear - most animals in her world growl, apparently! - and sometimes says 'at at' when you ask what a duck says and 'fff' for a dog.
- crawling everywhere! Can't do steps yet so she's still contained to the Family Room (for now!)
- she will stand up holding onto furniture if you put her that way, and has started pulling up onto her knees
- plays peekaboo (with her hand on the side of her head, haha)
- says 'brrr' when driving a toy truck/car
- still loves to dance, starts to boogie anytime music comes on, and has added a few moves to her repertoire (like shaking her hands in the air)
- starting to open and close doors (cabinets and big doors that aren't latched). Tricky when she crawls into a room, closes the door and then gets 'stuck' behind the door which has happened a few times!
- can roll a ball and chase after it.
- happiest if she can hold more than one toy in her hand at a time.
- started dropping food from her tray and will smile and say 'ah-ah' and shake her head no. Stinker.
- loves to read books before bed. She will be almost asleep nursing but if I say "Book?" she will pop right up and reach for the books on her shelf.
- fake coughs for attention and will 'laugh' when others laugh
- can point to her toes when asked and tries to put on her socks and shoes.
- sprouted her four bottom teeth all on the same day about a month ago (that was fun...), and is working in a few top teeth now.
She is such a joy. Happy 11-month birthday not-so-little one.
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One word: toes! |