Friday, December 21, 2012

Diary of a Real Pregnancy: Week 34 - Finishing up work

I'm finished work this week and having some mixed emotions about it. Mostly though, I am so glad to be done, so I can focus on the holidays, and then getting ready for baby. Funny how things can be quite quiet for so long and then people find out you're leaving and they need 100 things from you! I will say I will miss being needed in this way, even though a newborn is probably the most needy thing in the world -- it's just different.

Anyway to commemorate 34 weeks and it being the holidays, I took a few belly pictures in front of the tree. Can you say "CHEESY"? I know one thing - I look as tired as I feel!

I also had a doctor's appointment this week, so here's the lowdown from that:
- Baby's heart rate was 120 (dipped to 110 a couple of times, which was a bit odd...)
- My blood pressure was 115/65 - still pretty low
- Weight gain to date 42 lbs O_o
- Baby is head down! Yippee!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Diary of a Real Pregnancy: Week 33 - Alien Baby!

In case anyone's been paying attention, I'm way behind in my posts. Mama is t-i-r-e-d! No sleep - at least nothing decent - and getting ready for both the holidays and leaving work means no rest for the weary.

However, I do have a little video to share to commemorate this 33rd week of pregnancy. Warning... This is not for the faint of heart! Just an example of the rigors this little girl likes to put me through on a regular basis!

I've passed a major milestone this week too: I discovered, much to my dismay, that no matter how much tugging, squeezing, or sucking in I do, I can no longer zip up my coat. Waaaah!


Sunday, December 09, 2012

A Month of Giving: Warm Fuzzies

As many of you know I've decided to take a break from the crazy spending spree this holiday season through a Month of Giving. I thought I'd give a quick update of how it's going so far.

So, the first week was interesting. While I was busy trying to think of ways to give, I found myself on the receiving end of generosity and helpfulness. While I really was grateful for the help I was getting (all sorts of things, from someone letting me go in front of them in a checkout, to someone offering to do a huge favour for me because I was in a bind), at the same time I kept thinking, no no, I'm supposed to be helping YOU! But, I used it as fuel for the fire and set out to do a few things.

Now, being 100 months pregnant (or so it feels) and everything else, I'm finding it difficult to get around, let alone launch some kind of big philanthropy mission. So, instead, I've been trying to find small, unique ways to make people's day a little better. While in a coffee shop check-out line, I asked The Hubs to pay for the person behind us, just because. Funny thing was, we didn't realize the people behind us had ordered about $25 worth of food and drinks. Heh. But no matter... we paid and it felt good to think about what I assumed would be smiles on their faces. I felt like a Christmas elf!

Meanwhile I've been saying "Yes" to every check-out person who asks if I want to donate $1 to random charity du jour (except The Salvation Army... I won't go into details but on principle I don't donate there). Normally I would say "No thanks" or "Not this time" <-- as if I intended to give another time, which I never really do. I kindof liked saying "Yes, sure!" to each one. Warm fuzzies. Feels great to let drivers go in front of me (even when my instinct is to speed up and shoot them a glace... had to check that instinct!) and even just smile at people I pass. Isn't funny how just a smile, or picking up something that someone dropped, or opening a door for someone can make things seem... better?

I've been throwing extra money in tip jars, signing up to volunteer at The Boy's school, giving toys to toy drives. It's getting fun, actually. The next challenge will be involving the kids, as I think it's important for them to see this and know what a difference we can make, even if it's small.

I've also donated some 'real' money to a couple of charities that mean a lot to me, personally, and which I've neglected to do for the past couple of years. I feel badly that I've spent so much on my own family and 'intended' to do more for others but just didn't get around to it. I feel like I'm making up for that now, however small a contribution I'm able to make now.

I have a few little things planned for the next couple of weeks that will be fun for me. Stay tuned... :)