Happy 2nd Birthday Matthew!!
- He can run and kick a ball, can throw, and is learning to catch
- He can count to 17 (ish) - skipping 6 and 7 most of the time. He is also starting to count to ten in French.
- He knows his full name, as well as his mom and dad's names
- As of this morning, he can successfully walk down the stairs on his own, holding the railing
- He can get into the car and up into his car seat on his own
- He can drink through a straw, and is learning to drink from a cup (when we give it a try!)
- He's starting to put puzzles together (one ones that fit together, versus the 'block' style that have cutout shapes)
- His favourite saying these says (besides "No!") is, "Matthew do it!!" or, "I do it - by myself!"
- He can brush his teeth pretty well... the front ones, anyway. We think he's just starting to get his second set of molars now.
- He loves slides and goes up the stairs and down the slide at the park on his own. Whee!
- He starting to play WITH other kids, likes to trade toys, and watches what other kids (and adults!) are doing and tries to imitate them.
- He can sing a few songs now (Frere Jacques, ABCs, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Rolly Polly) and loves to burst into song whenever the mood strikes him.
- His favourite books right now are Where's Olivia (a lift & flap book), Sleepy Baby, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar -- although he loves all his books.
- By far his favourite toys are cars and trucks and anything else with wheels!
For his birthday we're going out for ice cream (after presents at home!), and then having a small party on the weekend with his cousins and little buddies from daycare. We can't wait!